
Start Building a Self-Care Plan with the 51 Self Care Ideas List

a free resource providing simple ideas for real-life mom life, to help you start building a habit of self care… even when family life is busy

cover image of the 51 Self Care Ideas list for starting a self-care plan

grab your free copy here!

start your self-care plan right here

Your life is busy. 

Of course it is! You’re a mom. On any given day, you’re cleaning, cooking, counseling a crying child, calming a toddler’s fear of the dark, and re-heating that cold cup of coffee. And that’s just with the letter c.

Mom life is busy. But you won’t be able to give everyone your best if you aren’t taking some time to take care of yourself. 

It’s true, mama: you are a person worthy of rest and refreshment. You need moments each day to relax and recharge. 

And that’s why I want to help you get started on developing a self-care plan… that’s realistic for your busy life. This list of 51 ideas is not a “must do” list. Instead, it is meant to spark your creativity and give you a few ideas to try.

how these ideas will help your self-care plan:

✔️ each idea is free or very low-cost

✔️ there are ideas for a spare 5 minutes and for a luxurious 5 hours (just in case that ever happens)

✔️ the ideas are healthy and refreshing, not mindless and a waste of time

✔️ you’ll find your creative juices start flowing when you consider what actually refreshes and relaxes YOU as your own person 

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cover image of the 51 Self Care Ideas list for starting a self-care plan